Emily Anne Photography

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The Best of Belgium Pt. 4: Things you Must Do - Visit Grand Plaza in Brussels By Nashville Barcelona Wedding & Portrait Photographer

The central plaza is worth seeing alone in Brussels - absolutely gorgeous with all the gold intricate designs of the town halls. 

If you visit during the winter, there are plenty of coffee shops & cozy restaurants all along the plaza to keep you warm & cozy. Also, there are more chocolate shops than you can even imagine. 

Possibly the best-known non-chocolate Belgian sweet is this cone-shaped, purplish candy with a firm shell, called Cuberdon which shoots a burst of syrup in your mouth when you bite into it. The flavour is referred to as raspberry, but in reality the cuberdon has a taste all its own- very delicious and you must try. :) 

Grand Plaza in Belgium is super beautiful & you must go and visit when you have the chance if you're there. However, of all of Belgium, I would say that my favorite city is probably Bruges, but next time I would love to see Ghent and Antwerp.  Well, there you have it! There's a little tour of Belgium for ya and hope you enjoyed! 

Love & light forever!
